Scottish Treasure Trove Review – Final Report

The final report of the Scottish Treasure Trove review has now been published. While the feedback gathered by the Review team has demonstrated support for the core principles of the treasure trove system, respondents do want the existing system to work better. It was good to see that despite a small number of respondents suggesting […]

Scottish Treasure Trove Review

The NCMD is pleased to have contributed to the review of the Scottish Treasure Trove system, which is due to end in September this year. We have ensured that the views of metal detectorists have been represented by engaging in direct dialogue with the review team. Participating in the Review’s Advisory Group and by responding […]

Scottish Treasure Trove – Public Consultation

The King’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer (KLTR) has launched a public consultation to review the Scottish Treasure Trove system, the process that is used for assessing and preserving archaeological finds discovered in Scotland. The consultation aims to get views from everyone who uses the system. Whether that be Museums, Public Heritage Organisations, Metal Detecting Clubs […]

The Scottish Treasure Trove Laws

The Scottish Treasure Trove laws are being reviewed in the new year and the NCMD have been invited to take part to ensure that the interests of our members in Scotland are represented, and to make sure that everyone has a voice in that review.  Dave Crisp and myself were invited to a meeting at […]