Portable Antiquities Scheme – November Update

To keep everyone in the detecting community as informed as possible, Prof Michael Lewis FSA MCIfA, Head, Portable Antiquities & Treasure at the British Museum, provides a monthly update on PAS happenings from a PAS Central Unit (British Museum) perspective. Please note that this is not a comprehensive report on all PAS work across England. […]

Norman Conquest Coin Hoard

A Norman Conquest Coin hoard has been acquired for the nation by the South West Heritage Trust. The hoard consists of 2,584 silver pennies from the period c. 1066–68, likely buried for safekeeping in the turmoil of the Conquest. The hoard has been valued at £4.3 million making it the highest value treasure find ever. […]

Treasure Process Presentation

View the presentation on the treasure process from a recent meeting at the British Museum. We met with the Treasure Valuation Committee, members of the PAS (Portable Antiquities Scheme) and DCMS (Department for Culture, Media & Sports) to go through what the process entails. (Click image to open file)

Treasure Process Meeting

As many of you will know, the treasure process isn’t perfect, but its purpose is important as it ensures that important historical artefacts are protected for future generations. The NCMD has been pushing for more transparency so that detectorists can have a better understanding of the process and why items can take so long to […]

Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) Annual Report

The recent press launch of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) 2022 Annual Report was a great success. Hosted by Sir Mark Jones the new Head of the British Museum, there was a strong turnout. Including members of the Portable Antiquities Advisory Group, which includes the NCMD represented by Alan Tamblyn, Dave Crisp and David Millington. […]

PAS Conference 2023

“The contribution of detector finds to archaeology”. This year’s PAS conference was held at the Yorkshire Museum in York, with the overall theme based around the contribution that detecting finds have made to archaeology and the archaeological record. There are currently around 1.66 million finds recorded on the PAS database, of which some 97% have […]

PAS update & FLO expectations

The NCMD and its members are long-time supporters of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS). We strongly believe that the recording of our finds is an important part of our hobby. The Treasure Act ensures important heritage items can be saved for the nation. For some time however, it is clear from our members feedback and […]

NCMD visit British Museum for PAS Annual Report

The executive committee members of the NCMD were invited to the British Museum on the 14th December, for the launch of the 2020 Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS) Annual Report and the 2019 Treasure Report. The event was launched by Arts Minister Lord Parkinson and he was joined by Hartwig Fischer, Head of the British Museum […]