Meet the team
Our team is made up of keen detectorists who only want the best for our members and to ensure our hobby is protected at all costs.
The Policy Committee is responsible for the day-today running of the NCMD. The committee is made up of seven members: the General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary, a Communications Officer, plus three other committee members.
The Board of Trustees is made up of three volunteers, all from professional backgrounds. Their role is to protect and safeguard the NCMD funds and oversee any key financial decisions within the organisation. This includes the ‘fighting fund’ which is there if we ever need to protect our hobby in the courts, should the government or anyone else try to change legislation that restricts our freedom to detect. The Trustees also oversee and set the amount paid for any key positions within the NCMD. (General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary)

I started detecting 24 years ago and joined my local detecting club shortly after. The hobby has helped me through some tough times and also has given me some of the highlights of my life. Certainly, the people l’ve met and the friendships live made have been the most valuable things l’ve found, but I do have some nice finds too.
After 30 years in the corporate world and a decade as a property developer, I decided to move to semi-retirement, just as the vacancy came up for the role of General Secretary of the NCMD. Our main aim was to create a more transparent and inclusive organisation, and with the introduction of a new structure and the implementation of new systems, we’ve been able to achieve that.
We are working hard to ensure that our members are fully supported with all the information they need, as well as representing them at all levels in order to ensure that our right to detect is maintained and the heritage we help to uncover is recorded and preserved for future generations.
I have been a detectorist for over 36 years now and I am still passionate about our hobby as when I started out all those years ago. I have found and recorded over 1400 individual finds and still go out regularly with my mates and with members of our club. Being part of a club is great as you get to detect and meet likeminded people.
I do a lot of work for the NCMD, and like most of the Committee and Trustees, it’s a labour of love I am happy to do, it’s a very worthwhile role to help keep the NCMD running smoothly for the members.

I have been Treasurer for the NCMD since 2019. I am married to a die-hard detectorist, Jack, and we live in a fairly remote area of Scotland. I am disabled now, so no longer able to detect myself, but enjoy my role on the Policy Committee.
I have enjoyed several hobbies over the years, such as dressmaking, beading, reading and watching TV. I love to travel too, even if I do have to do it in a wheelchair. I like to help improve things for disabled people and to that end I campaigned on the committee, along with the General Secretary, for carers to be covered at nil expense so that disabled detectorists can enjoy their hobby alongside their able-bodied companions more easily.
Hi all, I was appointed Membership Secretary in June 2021. I have been heavily involved in the creation and development of the new state of the art membership system and database which sits behind the new website. Whilst the job is part-time there isn’t a day that goes by without me logging in to respond to membership enquiries via email and over the phone.
I detect most weekends and holidays and detect in all weathers with my wife and daughter on our permissions across the country and we’re also members of a detecting club where l’m also the Membership Secretary.

I have been Metal Detecting a little over 10 years, having started shortly after I retired in 2013 when I very soon became hooked on the hobby. I live in Rotherham, South Yorkshire with my wife, we have two daughters and six grandchildren. I previously worked within the heavy Earthmoving Equipment Industry retiring as Service Manager for a main Construction Equipment supplier.
Together with metal detecting my other hobbies are DIY and Motorcycles, I still ride but only in fine weather these days. I joined the NCMD central committee as I wanted to have some positive input into the way forward for the hobby that we all love and enjoy.
I am a retired Engineering Manager, originally from Nottingham, I now live near Cardiff in South Wales where I spend time detecting, diving, and digging my (four) allotments.
When I worked as an Engineering Manager, I gained extensive experience of Committee work, as an international expert in my field, I attended National and International technical standards meetings where | represented the UK as Chief Delegate for many years. I am currently Secretary of Cardiff Scan Club and a Committee Member of a local Allotment Association.
With 20+ years of detecting I live in the hope of one day finding something worth reporting as Treasure!

Hi there, I have been a member of the NCMD and metal detectorist for around 5 years. I have had a keen interest in Archaeology since I was a youngster and never missed an episode of Time Team! After my first five minutes on my first dig, I wondered why I hadn’t started years before! I can happily spend 8 hours wandering around in the mud with only a few buttons to show for it and be happy, then do it all again the next day!
My favourite finds to date are a couple of Crotal Bells that still ring after so many years plus a handful of roman coins where it is still possible to see the emperors face after nearly 2000 years.
When the opportunity came up to play a part in the future of the hobby, I couldn’t get my application in fast enough. I am very happy to be able to volunteer some of my time each month and proud to have the chance to work with such a passionate team of people.
I live in Devon and have been metal detecting since 2015 when I joined the local Exeter club. I am married with 2 grown up kids, and I work for Network Rail and previously for Lloyds Bank, EDF Energy and the University of Exeter.
Other hobbies include cycling, watching live music and globetrotting whenever I can afford it. I applied for a position on the NCMD as soon as I received the email, I believe it’s a very worthwhile role and I appreciate all that the NCMD has done over the years.

I have been detecting for almost 50 years albeit on and off. I am a management consultant in logistics which means extensive travel, so coupled with a young family I have extremely limited time. However, I wanted to give something back to the hobby so being a Trustee allows me to provide input and support to the NCMD and our hobby.
To help safeguard its future for everyone as well as the next generation to enjoy. There are few hobbies that offer the ability to go out into the countryside, be close to nature and have hands on history. You don’t find anything unless you are searching so, see you in the field…
I am a keen detectorist based in Halifax, I use my XP Deus and a trusty old XP Gold Maxx Power. Unfortunately, the local permissions are not very productive, but we live in hope. I am married to an Archaeologist so get on some very interesting sites.
Prior to my retirement I was the Regulatory Affairs Manager for a large International Chemical Company, and I am also the Honorary Secretary of a large International Royal Chartered Charity. It is great to have the opportunity to ensure that the NCMD is run in the interests of its members, and help protect the hobby against the ever-present threat of outside control.