We will be holding an EGM on Thursday 8th June, this is to discuss an amendment to the constitution regarding the two remaining regions of the NCMD.


The proposed changes to the Treasure Act (1996) was laid in front of Parliament on the 20th February in the form of a Statutory Instrument. In plain English, this means that the House of Commons and the House of Lords are being given information on proposed changes to the Treasure Act. This is for them […]

Treasure Act Review – Progress update

As recently announced by Lord Parkinson, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State (Minister for Arts), we would like to make you aware that a new classification of treasure will soon be added to Treasure Act (1996). It will extend the current definition of treasure to include items that are over 200 years old and ‘significant’. This new […]

Latest PAS and FLO Update

Yesterday (4th Jan 2023), members of the NCMD Committee met with Michael Lewis, Head of the PAS (Portable Antiquities Scheme) and a number of regional FLO coordinators to discuss the challenges faced within the current finds recording process. These challenges in turn, cause frustrations to our members, so the NCMD is keen to help develop […]

Christmas Prize Draw

Congratulations to all of the winners in our yearly £10,000 prize draw. A full list of winning numbers are listed HERE

PAS update & FLO expectations

The NCMD and its members are long-time supporters of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS). We strongly believe that the recording of our finds is an important part of our hobby. The Treasure Act ensures important heritage items can be saved for the nation. For some time however, it is clear from our members feedback and […]

NCMD AGM – Sunday 12th June 2022

The Annual General Meeting of the National Council for Metal detecting will be held on Sunday 12th June 2022. The venue TBC. Please note that the role of Chair, Treasurer and Central Register Delegate are up for renewal. All nominations must be with the General Secretary by midnight on Sunday the 29th of May. Any […]

New NCMD Mobile App

We are pleased to announce our new mobile app is now available from the Google & Apple Stores. You will need to be a current member to access the app, and use the same login details you use for the website. Using the app you will be able to:– View your membership card and change […]

Preserving history one find at a time!

The Portable Antiquities Advisory Group (PAAG) is in place to discuss and advise on matters relating to the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS). The group is made up of members from the PAS, British Museum, Archaeology Groups and members of the NCMD Committee. The British Museum commissioned an independent consultant to meet with representatives from each […]