Yesterday (4th Jan 2023), members of the NCMD Committee met with Michael Lewis, Head of the PAS (Portable Antiquities Scheme) and a number of regional FLO coordinators to discuss the challenges faced within the current finds recording process.
These challenges in turn, cause frustrations to our members, so the NCMD is keen to help develop workable solutions that will improve the current process, and we have put forward a number of proposals for consideration.
The meeting was extremely positive and Michael and the FLO’s (Finds Liaison Officers) are keen to work with us to improve things for the benefit of all parties.
We also discussed the areas of lost finds, communication, timescales and delays in both the Finds Recording and Treasure Processes, all with the aim to improve on these areas in the near future.
The longer term solution will be the new website as previously mentioned and new technology will no doubt offer huge improvements, but we are aiming to provide some quick fixes in the interim that can be incorporated into the new system once it’s built.
We have follow up meetings booked and I will keep you updated on our progress.
Alan Tamblyn
General Secretary