Thank you for downloading the NCMD app for mobile and tablet. Please refer to the following list of frequently-asked questions.
Do I need to be a member of the NCMD to use the app?
Yes, you will need to have an active NCMD membership in order to log into the app.
To view our membership options, click here.
I am using “My Finds” to document my discoveries – will NCMD be able to view what I write?
All information recorded within the “My Finds” section of the app is stored on your device only. Nothing is sent to NCMD, nor any other third parties.
I am having difficulty with the app, or wish to report an problem
Please direct any such enquiries to
Please be as clear as possible in describing your issue; the more detailed your description, the quicker it will be for our support team to diagnose the problem. A step-by-step walkthough to reproduce the problem would be ideal.