Portable Antiquities Scheme – January Update

It has been a busy year for the PAS so far. This latest monthly update aims to keep the detecting community (and others) informed on the work of the Scheme across England from a British Museum perspective. Lots more is happening locally! The main object types recorded this month were coins (1,737), buckles (370), brooches (278), tokens (165) and vessel fragments (154). Most items were Post-Medieval (1,439), followed by those of Medieval (1,427) and Roman date (1,105). 2,634 items were copper-alloy, then made of silver (1,055) and lead (424). PUBLIC recorders added 397 finds. Most finds came from Norfolk (578).
PAS website and database – We are continuing our project of rebuilding the PAS website and database. Work has progressed well, thanks to everyone who has helped us by completing the online survey. This will help us make the website much more user-friendly and accessible. Report by: Michael Lewis – Head of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (England) Read Full PAS Report New NCMD Portal The NCMD Mobile app enables members to record their finds and find spots for their own reference. This data is currently only available to the individual member, however we are developing a portal so that you can share any finds you want, directly with your local FLO. We are working with the PAS to ensure that the data will integrate into the new PAS system. If you haven’t already got it, the NCMD app is available to download free from your app store. You must be a member of NCMD to download and use the app. Join Here