The NCMD and its members are long-time supporters of the Portable Antiquities Scheme (PAS). We strongly believe that the recording of our finds is an important part of our hobby. The Treasure Act ensures important heritage items can be saved for the nation.

For some time however, it is clear from our members feedback and indeed, our own experiences, that the current finds recording process and the treasure process are under increasing pressure. They have not been working as effectively as they once did.
In order for us to better understand the difficulties faced by the FLO’s, and to help them understand the issues faced by detectorists, we recently held a meeting with Michael Lewis, Head of PAS. We asked him to put together an expectation document so that both sides could be clear as to what the recording process is. What the service levels should be and also the escalation process if there is an issue.
Michael has kindly provided that document, see below. The good news is that the current system is being upgraded with the launch of a new PAS website. This will undoubtedly help to make things better. Until then we will continue to work with the PAS to discuss the issues. Pushing for any short term changes that could be made to improve the system for all parties.
We will also be meeting with the DCMS to discuss the Treasure Act revision. We will continue to push for improvements to the treasure process. Particularly around the current timescales and the lack of communication in many cases.
Rest assured that we will continue to work with all those involved with PAS to push for the changes that are so desperately needed. In the meantime, please read FLO EXPECTATION DOCUMENT. Your main contact should always be your local FLO. Please be patient as they are under huge pressure, always treat them with courtesy and respect.